Wednesday, May 2, 2012

My New Goals ...

One night during my usual case of insomnia, I came up with a project for myself. I'm going to call it, "Project Happiness; Pursing Your Passions." Yes, I wanted to be selfish and work on my own happiness and myself. For some reason, I still continue to feel sad and have this "void" I want to fill. I can’t pin point it or put it into words but I sometimes have this empty feeling inside.  I have everything in my life I have ever wanted, but why am I still not happy? I accomplished many of my major dreams and goals, like graduating college and getting a degree, becoming a nurse, and finding/marrying a man that would love me UNCONDITIONALLY (ladies we all know how hard it is to find a nice guy that will support you no matter what). My whole life I have always been on the go, working/pushing towards my number one goal of becoming a nurse. Lets just say it, nursing school was hell!  Well I accomplished it, NOW WHAT?  As a nurse I have a lot of free time during weekdays but my husband and friends are all at work, working their normal Mon.-Fri. 8-5 jobs. While, I’m left alone. Yes I could be out exploring the city, but I don't want to alone.  I’m not use to having free time or not having things to do. So I created a project for myself. I LOVE to cook and bake.  Over the past few years I have stopped baking because I don't want the treats in my house. It's easier to just plain avoid them ;) . I realized I don't have to keep them in the house; I could just give them to others. I do know that I love to see others happy, and what makes others happier than a yummy homemade treat!

           As a wife, one my favorite things is seeing my husbands face when he enjoys my meals. I work so hard to plan and make sure he has a warm home cooked dinner each night.  I truly enjoy our dinnertime together. 

          So I created this blog to post my cooking adventures, track my progress, and develop a cooking/baking network. One of my new dreams is to be able to make my kid’s birthday cakes. A cake from the heart means more than one from the store. How precious would it be to know that your mom baked you a cake EVERY year for your birthday.  These are the memories I want to create. My husband bought me an empty recipe book/binder, so my goal is to fill it up with all of my favorite/most prized recipes.  My dream would to be able to pass my recipes to my kids and keep them in the family. I love to cook and hopefully my kids will share the same passion!  Even though I'm not planning on having kids soon, I want to develop my craft. I hope this project keeps me busy, creates happy memories, and fulfills my loneliness. Here's to getting your aprons messy!

1 comment:

  1. Missy I love this!!!! I'm so excited for you. :) I better get to use my super cute new apron from you and help out with some baking!!!!! xoxoxo
